LAS VEGAS (KSNV News3LV) — It’s a Fit Friday!
We have Nina Waldman of Body in Mind Pilates here to show us what Power Pilates training is all about and how you can get certified through her new course.
Joining her is Victoria Vivieros and Ava Valdes.
Body in Mind Pilates Studio will hold their first Power Pilates training, Core Mat I, on Sept. 30. The program is the foundation of the Power Pilates method.
During this weekend, teacher candidates will learn to teach the 18 beginner level mat exercises and be introduced to Power Pilates teaching tools, philosophy, and teaching formula.
After completing Core Mat 1, graduates are ready to start teaching beginner level mat classes and may go on to Power Pilates Core Mat II, Advanced Mat, and Apparatus training programs.
For more information, visit the Power Pilates website or contact Body in Mind at 702-531-2639.